Powerful Stories
Meet the Maker | Jade Lister—Buttle
Jade Lister-Buttle is an honest, true and deeply passionate Australian contemporary artist; painting what she sees, feels, experiences and hopes for. While she lets her intuition drive her, Jade always draws from a connection to where she is from and the women who inspired her along the way.
As a proud descendant of the Mirning people from South East of Western Australia/Nullabor Country, it was both of her grandmothers whom helped Jade to realise that art is simply a part of who she is.
With her artwork currently available through the Brunswick Street Gallery Melbourne, we are delighted to have collaborated with Jade to bring you six exclusive paintings available both in our showroom and online. To celebrate the launch, we spoke to Jade about her creative process, artistic style and what it means to her to have her paintings loved by strangers.
Tell us a little bit about yourself... Where are you based and what journey did you take to become the maker that you are today?
I was born in Esperance, Western Australia in 1989. It is here where I spent most of my childhood surrounded by incredible women, two of whom are incredibly talented artists and creators. Both of my grandmothers Marcia & Sally are artists who have inspired me very much. I draw a lot of inspiration from how they both approach art in practice and in everyday life. Art feels like something that is a part of me; that has grown over the years and it's very apparent to me that there is a deep sense of connection with these amazing women.
I spent most of my youth, on and off creating, but for years I was riddled with so much self-doubt in my ability, it's taken life's experiences to truly connect to creation and what it means for me. I have found, by trial and error, how I can best create, from my environment and from the magic that I want to come through my paintings. I have reached such deep state of bliss through creation and I can see when this has come out through the piece or not.
I will paint over a piece, over and over again, until the right ingredients come together. This means it can take some time to finish a painting, but it’s not ready until it is. Things in life are ever-changing and how I create and what I create will most likely be no different. I’m excited to see what will come next knowing that nothing stays the same.
What influences and inspires you?
I am so inspired by other creators and some of the connections I have made through Art. I love and feel grateful for the time that we live in with the ability to have so much beauty at my finger-tips. Social media used to really make me feel out of balance but through curating the world I want to see and the world I want to share with others, it's really brought on many wonderful friendships and opportunities.
It's my intent to celebrate all of the beauty that exists in the world, and there really is an endless amount of it, especially when the world seems harsh. I hope that what I create can help others in this same way, as I have found art and creation so healing.
What does a typical day look like to you?
I am currently working for a great company that celebrates art and is collaborative with artists but in a commercial space. I have a great team that I work alongside which makes each work day a joy. At the end of each day, I come home, kick up my feet, paint, listen to music, listen to a book or watch a great show.
I have just bought my first home in the foothills of Perth and most days it feels like a palace of endless possibilities. Each day is spent waking to the sound of rustling trees, birds and soft sunshine. I live for fresh coffee and a few paragraphs of a book to gently settle in to the morning. I must have a million cuddles from my dog also before I do anything. I try to inject as much joy as possible into my day and our little home is truly a haven to make this a reality.
Tell us more about your artistic style and the stories you hope to tell with your art.
When I paint, I hope to share a moment of my peace. Art is my peace, it's meditative and it's pulled me through some darkened days. I want to paint with all of my emotions and feelings. People have told me they feel calm when they look into a piece of mine and that would have to be the best feedback I could ever receive.
I want to share joy, pain, awe, love and sorrow without any words. I have never felt the need to hold on to a piece as I like to know that my paintings are living a new life in their new home. Having such an effect on friends and strangers who own a piece is a huge part of the process.
At NMJ we are all about the handmade artisan object and understand the love, time and effort involved in creating. What does it mean to you to have your artwork become a part of people's everyday lives?
It is a great love of mine to collect the artworks of my friends and of people who create that have struck a chord with my soul. Life seems to be a collaborative process and sharing such gifts and creations with each other is the true gift.
I had a couple buy one of my most cherished paintings last year. It was in this moment that I had the deep realisation of needing to move the paintings on and that there is much beauty in the letting go of them. Even though I loved it so much, the way they described the piece, when I saw them again a few months after the sale, they told me that every day they see the painting in a different way, and they fall in love with it more and more. This really moved me so much. I am so grateful for the experience that I have had with them through this sale.
What is your most treasured piece of jewellery in your jewellery box?
I have always been quite minimal with my jewellery. For my 30th birthday my dad gave me a voucher to a favourite store in Melbourne - Shifting Worlds, so I decided to treat myself with a beautiful Lavender Stone Ring. It's still the only piece I wear daily. It's such a beautiful organic piece that I cherish deeply.
Do you have any advice on how to turn your passion into a living?
Create what gives you butterflies.
Discover Jade Lister-Buttle's exclusive paintings online here, or at our showroom.