These Hands
These Hands | Emma
These Hands belong to Emma, our Customer Service and Marketing Assistant. Emma is the definition of bright and bubbly, leaves a trail of positivity in the NMJ studio and is always ready to tackle tasks head on. Get to know Emma below..
Who do these hands belong to?
Emma, Customer Service Coordinator and Marketing Assistant
What is your role at Natalie Marie Jewellery and how long have you been on the team?
I joined NMJ a little over 3 months ago, so I am still learning the ropes making every day new, different and exciting. My role includes the best of both worlds at the moment, working closely with clients on the other side of the phone, over emails and in our showroom, as well as letting my love for marketing and creativity shine through all things social media and content creation!
When did you first come across Natalie Marie Jewellery?
I had been following NMJ for a while, admiring from a far, until the day my brother asked me to help him find the perfect ring for his now fiancée – I knew exactly where to take him! He worked with Em to create a one of a kind bespoke ring, while I ensured all communications stayed a secret!
I felt like there was something special that I wanted to be a part of the minute I walked through the doors at NMJ with my brother. I’m not usually one to say this, but I think the universe was sending me signs, because a few weeks later an opportunity arose for me to work at NMJ and I couldn’t say no!
I have to say, seeing my brother’s reaction to the ring he created with the team was a moment I’ll never forget.
Describe a typical day for you...
I’m pretty lucky in that I live only 10 minutes from work, so I’ve become a little lazy in the mornings, hitting the snooze button at least three times before rolling out of bed. I am also very lucky because my Dad makes me a coffee most mornings – the best way to start the day! I am a bit of a stickler for routine once I arrive at work, from parking my car in the exact same spot, to writing a fresh to-do list every morning. I like to segment my days, creating clear goals so that I can have the satisfaction of crossing off multiple tasks on my to-do list at the end of the day! I usually put my customer service hat on in the morning, focusing on our emails and social media communications, doing what I can to answer questions and provide guidance. When the time comes to post our Instagram story, I change hats and enter the world of marketing. This is when I get to let out my creative side and work with the amazing Ella to write blogs, assist at photoshoots, develop our Instagram stories, brainstorm ideas – and everything in between!
Most treasured piece of jewellery?
I have a silver cuff-style bangle with a beautiful engraved filigree pattern which was my grandmas. When I’m going to a special occasion, or a family gathering, I take the time to put this extremely sentimental piece on to always keep her close to not only myself, but my family too. Wearing it evokes so many fond memories of her, there is something very special about wearing an heirloom piece and continuing my grandma’s legacy.
What is your favourite Natalie Marie piece?
Top 3 pieces (because I can't choose one) would be the Diamond Stone Wrap Ring, Ash Ring and Herkimer Solitaire Ring – I am saving my pennies for these beauties as we speak!
Where would we find you on the weekend? How would you unwind?
Weekends for me are either all in, with lots of back-to-back plans with family and friends, or quiet days around the house with long afternoon naps – there never seems to be an in-between! I’m a bit of a homebody at heart so I tend to be perfectly happy hanging around the house and reading a book on the deck. In saying this, I do love playing tennis, going for a walk, going to the movies, shopping and organising coffee catch-ups. No matter what the plans are, you will always find my boyfriend and I going out for breakfast together on Saturday mornings, it’s our little ritual to catch up and wind-down after a busy week at work.
Coffee or tea? How do you take it?
Cappuccino, always! Especially if made by my Dad at home.
Beach, City or Mountains?
Beach, give me sand in my toes and salty beach hair any day (as long as I have a good book, beach chair, umbrella and sunscreen!)
What inspires you?
Music inspires me as the most wonderful universal language, connecting people from all around the world. Everyone can feel the power of music - the way it can inspire change, spark creativity, make you see something differently, or even provide a sense of comfort and connection. As the queen Taylor Swift once said, I honestly feel that the way music can transport us back to a long forgotten memory is the closest sensation we have to travelling in time.
If you could live anywhere else, apart from Sydney, where would you be living?
This is a tough question as there is a part of me that wants to say New York as my best friend and I have always promised each other we would live there together one day, but I also want to say Hawaii for the ultimate paradise lifestyle!
If you were not working at NMJ, what would you be doing?
I would probably be a policewoman, fulfilling my dreams of being Olivia Benson from Law and Order (queue Law and Order music, dun dunn!)
What are you currently reading?
I have recently discovered Michael Robotham, an amazing author who writes gripping psychological thrillers. I also found out he is an Avalon local – such a small world!
Describe yourself in 5 words…?
Silly, honest, kind, stubborn and sparkly!
What kind of challenges do you like to set yourself in life?
I’m always trying to challenge myself to be a bit more carefree and spontaneous. I love feeling organised and in control by planning things down to a tee, yet I often find the best memories come from being in the moment and letting go. I’ve also been trying to be more mindful about my shopping habits lately, challenging myself to think twice before purchasing - not only for my bank account but also for the environment. You’re talking to a semi-retired professional online shopper here!
What is your favourite daily ritual?
Being welcomed home by my dog Archie after work and sitting on the kitchen bench, catching up with my Mum, sometimes for hours just talking about our day and life – I am so thankful for these moments.
What are you most grateful for?
The place I live and my family – I have won the lottery of life waking up in this beautiful part of the world, surrounded by my kind, caring and loving family every day.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
The song Vienna by Billy Joel – the best life advice you’ll ever hear.
What is your least known talent?
Call me crazy but I love public speaking! And on another note, can rap along to a fair share of Nicki Minaj songs.
What is on your wish list right now?
Another Gorman dress (always) and a holiday - specifically a road trip around New Zealand.
What is your favourite gemstone?
Deep Blue Australian Sapphires and Pink Diamonds – these stones get me every time with their multi-faceted beauty once the light hits them.
PC: @Tealily